Student Debt Tops $1.46 Trillion, More Than Doubling Since 2009

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More Americans are struggling with the cost of paying off loans to college, as student debt nationwide has reached a total of $1.465 trillion, according to an analysis by Bloomberg.

Student debt has more than doubled in less than a decade. In 2009, student debt reached $675 billion, Bloomberg reported.

More than 2.7 million Americans owed at least $100,000 in student loan debt, according to Bloomberg’s report. A year ago, 2.5 million people had student debt loads of $100,000 or more.

This year, nearly 700,000 people nationwide owe $200,000 or more in student loan debt, Bloomberg reported.

The report found that some younger adults are having a harder time paying off their loans. Student loans issued in 2012 have the highest default rate of any other group since the financial crisis, Bloomberg reported.

People are dealing with student debt later in life, Bloomberg reported. About 1.8 million Americans 62 or over owed $62.5 billion in student loan debt.

Student debt remains a big problem in Pennsylvania, according to one study released earlier this year. Pennsylvania’s average student debt load of $36,193 is the highest in the nation, according to a LendEDU study.

Two out of three Pennsylvania students graduate college with at least some debt, according to the LendEDU study.

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Student Debt Tops $1.46 Trillion, More Than Doubling Since 2009 Student Debt Tops $1.46 Trillion, More Than Doubling Since 2009 Reviewed by Student Loans Center on December 18, 2018 Rating: 5
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